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Financial Charts
When writing your business plan, the Financial Data section outlines your current financial situation and future goals. This section includes:
7.1- Sales Revenue
Your sales revenue and projections are extremely important when writing your business plan. This shows in detail the sales you’ve made in the past, usually on a month-to-month basis and the sales you are projecting to make month-to-month, broken up over the next 24 months.
7.2- Profit and Loss Projections
Income statement provides information on the income and expenses covering a specific period. Sometimes it’s called a “Profit and Loss” statement.
7.3– Break-Even Analysis
Breakeven analysis shows when you’ll cover all your expenses and begin to make a profit.
7.4– Balance Sheet
Your balance sheet, which is a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of your business and shows the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding period.